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Shoulder Indication, outcomes, and techniques under US and Fluoro

[Italian Language with English CC/Subtitles]

Dr. Terranova introduces a comprehensive exploration of radiofrequency treatment for shoulder pain, focusing on its anatomical basis and clinical applications. The session starts with a detailed review of shoulder innervation, guided by key cadaveric studies. It highlights the sensory afferents of major nerves like the supra scapular, axillary, and lateral pectoral nerves. The talk then progresses to the practical aspects of radiofrequency treatment, including target identification and procedural techniques using ultrasound guidance. The effectiveness of these treatments, their outcomes, and limitations are discussed with reference to recent studies. Emphasis is placed on the importance of a test block before radiofrequency and the promising potential of a new technique involving comprehensive nerve targeting.


This lecture is presented in Italian and is accompanied by AI-generated English subtitles. While we strive for accuracy, the subtleties of language may lead to minor discrepancies in translation. We encourage viewers to consider this when accessing this valuable resource.

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