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Radiofrequency Joint Denervation

[Italian Language with English CC/Subtitles]

In this medical presentation, Dr. Emanuel Pieraccini discusses the intricacies of knee innervation and the use of invasive radiofrequency procedures for pain treatment. Dr. Pieraccini highlights the complex nerve branches involved in knee innervation, both anterior and posterior, and explains the importance of accurately targeting these nerves for effective pain relief. The presentation includes detailed anatomical illustrations and discusses the advantages of using ultrasound or radiographic guidance to enhance precision in radiofrequency treatments. Dr. Pieraccini emphasizes that while traditional methods focusing on polar genes can be effective, a more comprehensive approach addressing the entirety of knee innervation is recommended. He also reassures that knee radiofrequency is generally safe and effective for chronic pain management, with a low rate of complications.


This lecture is presented in Italian and is accompanied by AI-generated English subtitles. While we strive for accuracy, the subtleties of language may lead to minor discrepancies in translation. We encourage viewers to consider this when accessing this valuable resource.

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