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Denial, Appeals and Disputes

Dr. Robert L. Tiso’s talk focuses on the denials, appeals, and disputes that pain physicians face. He begins by outlining the challenges that pain physicians encounter, such as declining reimbursement, regulatory pressure, lack of staff, and inflation. Dr. Tiso also discusses changes in the epidural and facet guidelines, new unpayable codes, and declining reimbursement rates. He emphasizes the importance of developing strategies to address these challenges, such as improving documentation, implementing technology, and engaging in advocacy efforts. Finally, Dr. Tiso stresses the need for collaboration between pain physicians, insurance providers, and policymakers to address these issues and improve patient outcomes.

This experience is powered by CMEfy – an AI-powered platform that directs learners along a pathway to capture reflections at point of inspiration, point of care. Clinicians may earn CME/CE credit via ReflectCE, the accredited activity portal. Learn more at

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