Incoming ASIPP President, Amol Soin, MD, Talks ASIPP, COVID, and much, much more.
Incoming ASIPP President, Amol Soin, MD, Talks ASIPP, COVID, and much, much more.
Episode 22
January 31, 2021
Today we're going to talk about the upcoming annual meeting, the current state of COVID-19, precautions, as well as its current and future impact on our practice. Along those lines, we'll also talk about the future of the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, and how we weathered that miserable year we'll call 2020. A good segway to the PPP loan, also discussed. COVID started a year ago, the 26th of January, and good riddance. We hope you all get your vaccination soon.
Today we will also have the opportunity to talk about the new E and M documentation guidelines, and the changes that are coming, Tele-health is here to stay, and the advantages of belonging to our organization, Dr. Soin chats how membership helps our field.
Finally, as we welcome our new president,we pause to thank Dr. Harold Cordner for his excellent leadership during these tough months and appreciate his guidance during this pandemic - adaptable ASIPP at its best. We tribute the miraculous job that Melinda and Karen added in 2020 with remote learning. It took a team - thanks to all involved. A look forward to this next year, our optimistic leadership, and strength to the specialty. Enjoy the podcast....