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Your License and Liability

Elizabeth Shaw, Esq. discusses license and liability for physicians who issue certifications for medical marijuana to patients in Florida. After introducing federal law and loopholes, she details physician certification requirements and qualifications.She next outlines statutory penalties and disciplinary actions that non-qualified certifying MDs and DOs may be subject to after a breach of duty. She also discusses third-party liability and consequences of liability actions. She concludes by identifying strategies to limit liability.She next outlines statutory penalties and disciplinary actions that non-qualified certifying MDs and DOs may be subject to after a breach of duty. She also discusses third-party liability and consequences of liability actions. She concludes by identifying strategies to limit liability.

This experience is powered by CMEfy – an AI-powered platform that directs learners along a pathway to capture reflections at point of inspiration, point of care. Clinicians may earn CME/CE credit via ReflectCE, the accredited activity portal. Learn more at

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