University Health Network – Toronto Western Hospital
Pranab Kumar

• Anesthesia


Dr. Pranab Kumar is an anesthesiologist, board certified in India, United Kingdom. He completed his specialty exams from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. He has also completed his subspecialty training in chronic pain management from United Kingdom with a further fellowship at University of Toronto. Besides Chronic Pain, Dr. Kumar has a special interest in Regional Anesthesia with certification from the European Society of Regional Anesthesia. He is a committee member of World Institute of Pain, North American Neuromodulation Society, and currently serves as the newsletter liaison for the Ultrasound Chronic Pain special interest group of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. His current roles include comprehensive multimodal pain management including USG and fluoroscopy-guided interventions and advanced therapies like neuromodulation for refractory neuropathic pain and initial patient assessment at Good Hope Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Program.