IPM: Where we are now and what our future holds
IPM: Where we are now and what our future holds
Episode 24
Jun 7 2021
Today’s podcast brings together four important leaders in the field of interventional pain medicine, and the future growth of American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP).
ASIPP, Immediate Past President Harold Cordner MD and President Amol Soin MD welcome Michael Lubrano and Kunji Patel for an interactive discussion on the future of IPM: Where we are now and what our future holds. Certainly we are at an exciting time, and who would have seen it coming? Ten years ago would we have talked about therapeutic cannabis? How about regenerative medicine as a major opportunity to afford relief to our patients, certification, a first and leading textbook “Essentials of Regenerative Medicine”, the opportunities to demonstrate skills in person, online, and via TeleTesting. Our meetings have been virtual, then hybrid, and now we look forward to meeting again in person for fellowship, and the excitement of interpersonal meeting and greeting.
COVID-19 has touched us all. As one of the greatest tennis players of all time once said that he won by finding advantage in adversity. The leadership at the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians has stepped up with guidelines, and best practices for our challenging times. Looking forward to our younger physicians, we find emergence of the enthusiasm and specialty development that is such a dynamic component of our organization. We continue to look forward to leadership from the youthful injection of talent and the enthusiasm that is embraced by the ASIPP and our specialty. This is what keeps us as a leadership community as we look forward for the necessary but often underestimated epidemic of pain control, while we also address the opioid crisis and COVID head-on. We are truly one of the few specialists that have three crises that are managed and processed to design successful solutions by innovation, our younger participants, membership, and the promise that each individual brings with their unique talent.
The American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians welcomes our new generation, and I hope this podcast gives just a hint of how much enthusiasm we have ahead of us. We hope you enjoyed this podcast!